
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Island of the Sequined Love Nun Chapter 60~61

60 Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch Mary Jean sat behind a desk fashioned entirely of rose quartz veined with fool's gold and stared out the window at the Houston skyline. A brown haze had risen to the level of her fiftieth-floor office as the exhaust of a million cars huddled against the stratosphere and curled around the city like a huge rusty cat looking for a place to nap. It just made her made as a cowpoke wearing bob-wire pants, but not mad enough, of course, to sell her shares of GM and Exxon. Blue chips was blue chips, after all, and the great state of Texas ran on oil. The intercom beeped and Mary Jean keyed her speakerphone, not because she needed her hands free to work, but because the phone receiver either got caught in her hairdo or her clip-ons rattled against it making all sorts of distracting racket. There'd been a time, before Prozac, when she'd thought for six months that the FBI was tapping her phone line, only to find out it was a pair of twenty-carat ruby cluster earrings banging against the earpiece. â€Å"Yes, Melanie.† â€Å"Tucker Case on the phone, Mary Jean. He's been calling all day. I've tried to put him off, but he says that people are going to die if you don't talk to him.† â€Å"Does he sound drunk?† â€Å"No, Ma'am. He sounds serious.† Mary Jean took a deep breath and looked up at the Monet hanging on the far wall. Twenty million dollars, depreciated as office furnishings, ap-preciated to twice its value and donated to a museum as a donation write-off at full value, with no capital gains, and there it would hang until the day of her death when it would go to the museum. And it also matched the couch. â€Å"Put him through,† she said. â€Å"Mary Jean, it's Tucker.† â€Å"I was just thinking of you. How are you, sweetie?† â€Å"Mary Jean, I'm stone sober and I need you to listen.† â€Å"Go on, Tucker. I got more ears than a cornfield in June.† â€Å"First, I know that there were never any criminal charges filed, and I don't blame you for trying to get me out of the way. But I could really use some help.† Mary Jean blanched. â€Å"Can you hold one second, darlin? Thanks.† She pushed the hold button and then the intercom. â€Å"Melanie, dear, would you mind bringing me a couple of number five Valiums and a little glass of juice? Thank you.† She clicked back to Tuck. â€Å"Go on, honey.† And Tuck did, for fifteen minutes, and when he finished, Mary Jean said, â€Å"Well, that's just not right. That's just terrible.† â€Å"Yes, it is, Mary Jean.† â€Å"We just can't have that,† she said. â€Å"You give Melanie your number there. I'll see what I can do.† â€Å"Mary Jean, I really appreciate this. If I could go to anyone else, I would.† â€Å"And hurt my feelings? No, you wouldn't. Tucker Case, I've been selling the power to change yourself for forty years. Now, if I don't believe in the power of redemption, then I'm guilty of false advertising, aren't I? You sit tight, now. Bye.† She clicked the intercom. â€Å"Melanie, get me Jake Skye on the line, please. Thank you, dear.† 61 Roundhouse Aloha Tuck stood at the arrival gate amid a group of Hawaiian college students wearing grass skirts and sarongs and festooned with leis they were draping on tourists as they came out of the tunnel from the 747. Tuck spotted Jake Skye well before he came out of the tunnel. He was a head taller than most of the tourists and one of the few who had a tan. Tuck waved to him and Jake tossed his head to show he'd seen him. He came out grinning with his hand extended. Tuck smiled and hit Jake with a roundhouse to the jaw that knocked him back into a group of pseudo hula girls. Jake apologized to the girls and rubbed his jaw as he turned to Tuck. â€Å"We done?† â€Å"I guess so,† Tucker said. He knew that Jake would never apologize for selling him out. Jake fell in beside Tuck and they walked through the terminal. â€Å"I didn't see that coming. You've changed, buddy.† â€Å"I guess so,† said Tuck. â€Å"Thanks for coming.† â€Å"I'm just here to take you home.† Jake pulled two airline ticket folders out of his shirt pocket. â€Å"Mary Jean says you can bring your new girlfriend.† â€Å"I'm not going home, Jake.† â€Å"You're not?† â€Å"No. I need your help, but I'm not going back to Houston.† â€Å"There's a stop in San Francisco. You can get off there.† â€Å"No. I've got some things I need to do.† â€Å"Buy me a drink.† Jake turned and walked into an open cocktail lounge where a twenty-foot waterfall fell over black lava rock among a forest of bromeliads and orchids. â€Å"Cool airport,† Jake said, pulling a stool up to the bar. â€Å"You ever think about living in the tropics?† Tuck whipped around on his stool and Jake held up his hands in surrender. â€Å"Just kidding. Okay, what's the story?† This time Tuck told the story leaving out none of the details, and to his credit, Jake did not call him crazy at the end. â€Å"So what do you think you can do?† â€Å"Well, first, I thought you could hack the doctor's computer and erase the database. It might slow up the process if he has to do all the tissue types again.† Jake was shaking his head, â€Å"Can't do it, buddy. Even if I wanted to.† â€Å"Why not? I've got the password.† Jake drained off the last of his third Mai Tai. â€Å"He's on a satellite uplink net. The connection only goes two ways if he wants it to. I won't be able to get in. Besides, it's not in the mission parameters. I'm supposed to come here, get you, and take you home. Period.† Tuck dug a slip of paper from his back pocket and unfolded it. â€Å"I've got these. Maybe they can help.† Jake was still shaking his head, but he stopped when he saw the numbers written on the paper. â€Å"Where did you get those numbers?† â€Å"They were on the bottom of a desk drawer in Curtis's clinic.† â€Å"They're not computer codes, Tuck. You see those letters at the end? BSI? You know what that is?† Tuck shook his head. â€Å"Banc Suisse Italiano. Those are Swiss bank account numbers.† Jake tried to snatch the paper and Tuck pulled it out of his reach. â€Å"You willing to expand the mission parameters?† Tuck said. Jake was staring at the paper in Tuck's hand. â€Å"How much?† â€Å"Half.† Jake scratched his three-day growth of beard. â€Å"And they were getting how much per kidney?† â€Å"Half a mil.† Jake cringed, then relaxed and put his hand on Tuck's shoulder. â€Å"What did you have in mind, partner?† â€Å"I want to get the Shark People off the island.† â€Å"How many? Three hundred and change? Hire a ship.† â€Å"I want to go sooner. I want to fly them off.† Jake smiled. The wheels were working now. â€Å"It's going to take a big plane: 747 or L-1011. That island got enough runway for something that size?† â€Å"Can we get something that size?† â€Å"Not legally,† Jake said. â€Å"I'm not worried about legally. I'm worried about logistically.† Jake stood up. â€Å"I'm not flying it. I get you a plane, I get half. Deal?† â€Å"I'll give you one of the account numbers as soon as we get the plane. You take your chances whether there's money in it or not. If I don't make it, and the money's in my account, you're screwed.† Jake considered it, then nodded. â€Å"I can live with that. Let's go watch the big planes take off.† Tuck was amazed at the way Jake's mind worked. The second he'd accepted that they were going to steal a 747, it became a problem, and when it came to solving problems, Jake was the best. They stood on an open walkway that overlooked the tarmac, watching the 747s taxiing into the terminal. â€Å"The best thing,† Jake said, â€Å"about stealing a 747 is that no one assumes that anyone is crazy enough to try it.† â€Å"I thought people tried to steal them all the time. It's a league sport in the Middle East, isn't it?† â€Å"They hijack, they don't steal. With hijacking, you have to take a pilot with you.† Jake pointed to a row of planes docked at the terminal by rolling walkways. â€Å"These guys? Out of the question,† he said. â€Å"Why?† â€Å"Because they've just come in and they're low on fuel or they're being fueled to take off again, and most of the time, if you can get in them, there's a crew on board.† He pointed to some jets parked near hangars at the far side of the airfield. â€Å"Those are our babies. They've got fuel, but they're waiting for a crew and passengers. After midnight nothing goes out of this airport except FedEx. The advantage of a vacation destination. Nobody wants to fly in our out at night.† The planes were a good half a mile away. â€Å"That's a long way to go across an airfield without the tower seeing us and calling security. And we have to drive a ramp over to it to get inside.† â€Å"No, we don't. There's an emergency escape hatch for the pilots in the roof over the cockpit.† â€Å"That's four stories up. How are you going to get up to it?† â€Å"Down to it,† Jake said. â€Å"Down?† â€Å"The problem is how to get the hatch unlatched. They only open from the inside.† â€Å"I'm still a little unclear on the ‘down' part of the plan,† Tuck said. At some point he was going to be on top of a 747 and heights made him nervous. â€Å"Let me worry about that,† Jake said. Then he snapped his fingers as if conjuring the answer to his problem out of thin air. â€Å"I've got the answer right here in front of me. What was I thinking? I'm working with the master.† Tuck looked around, thinking that Jake was talking about someone else. â€Å"Are you talking about me? I don't know how to do anything.† â€Å"But you're wrong, Tuck, you're wrong. For this part of the plan we need the cooperation of a flight attendant. Come on, let's get my bag. I've got an extra change of clothes you can wear.† â€Å"What's wrong with these clothes?† Tuck asked. He was still wearing the oversized and now distressed hand-me-downs of Sebastian Curtis. â€Å"Like you have to ask.† Jake spent an hour studying flight schedules and talking to counter people at the different airlines. Tuck took the opportunity to call the hotel to check on Sepie. She answered on the second ring. â€Å"Hello. How much is washer-dryer combination?† â€Å"What?† â€Å"Maytag washer-dryer combination with minibasket and wrinkle guard. How much?† â€Å"I don't know. Maybe a grand. Are you okay?† She'd put the phone down and he heard her shouting at the TV, â€Å"Is a grand! Is a grand! You fuckin' mook! Oh, no.† She picked up the phone again. â€Å"You wrong. Is eleven nine nine suggested retail. You lose.† â€Å"You're watching ‘The Price Is Right'?† â€Å"They give you things if you know how much. Is very hard.† â€Å"Do you need anything?† Tuck asked. â€Å"I can call room service from here and have them bring you some food.† â€Å"Perfume and lipstick,† Sepie said. â€Å"That'll have to wait. I'll be back soon, okay?† â€Å"Okay. Tuck?† â€Å"What, Sepie?† â€Å"What is washer-dryer combination?† â€Å"I'll explain later. I have to go now.† She hung up on him. Evidently, her fascination with plumbing and television didn't extend to the telephone. He found Jake talking to a girl at the United counter who was obviously taken with the grungy pilot's charm. He saw Tuck and said good-bye. â€Å"I've found our plane and the crew assignments. We have a ten-minute window to get to Gate 38 so you can work your magic.† The plan was for Tuck to spot a flight attendant coming off the plane, get to know her, and convince her to go back into the jet and throw the latch on the emergency hatch before the plane was cleaned and moved away from the terminal. They waited at the tunnel into Gate 38. The passengers had long since deplaned, as had the pilots. â€Å"Remember, you want to go ugly,† Jake said. â€Å"I know,† Tuck said. He'd changed into Jake's clothes, which fit him, at least, even if he looked like a guitar player for a Seattle grunge band. â€Å"And old if you can get it.† â€Å"I know,† Tuck said. â€Å"You want a woman who looks like she couldn't get laid in a men's colony.† â€Å"I know,† Tuck said. â€Å"Would you back off? I haven't done this in a while.† â€Å"Like riding a bicycle, buddy.† The first flight attendant out of the tunnel was a pretty blond woman, about twenty-five. â€Å"Pass,† Jake said. The next was a man, and the next a tall black woman who could have been a runway model. â€Å"They're killing us here,† Jake said. â€Å"How would you feel about going for the guy? He's our best chance so far.† â€Å"Fuck off, Jake.† â€Å"Just an idea.† They waited for five more minutes before a tired-looking woman in her fifties came down the tunnel pulling her flight bag behind her. â€Å"Go to it, stud,† Jake said. He gave Tucker a little shove. Tuck shoved back without taking his eyes off the woman. â€Å"I can't do this, Jake.† â€Å"What?† Jake Skye grabbed Tuck's wrist and pretended to be taking his pulse. Tuck pulled away from him. â€Å"I can't do this.† â€Å"Don't pull this shit on me, buddy. She's getting away. This is what you do.† â€Å"Not anymore, I don't.† â€Å"Well, I sure as hell do.† Jake pulled off the flannel shirt he was wearing open over his black T-shirt and threw it to Tuck. â€Å"Go back to your hotel and wait for me to call. What room are you in?† â€Å"Twelve-thirty.† Jake pushed the T-shirt sleeves up just enough for his biceps to show and took off down the concourse after the middle-aged flight attendant. Tuck went outside and found the shuttle to the Hyatt Regency. During the ride back to the hotel, he realized that he had no idea how to explain a washer-dryer combination to someone who had never worn shoes or a shirt until two days ago. He decided to go with magic.

Amd and 64 bit microporcessor

It seems that the migration to 64-bit system for home and office use is unstoppable. AMD, Intel and Microsoft are leading the said technology migration. 64-bit computing is dominating faster in the world of desktop PC’s, it is embraced by the computing industry form all around the world. News about some new processors, operating systems and applications that takes advantages of this feature is coming everyday. During the 80’s the computer systems migrated from 8-bit to 16-bit and later on, in the 90’s, the system advanced further once again, to 32-bit.32-bit computing becomes the common place for all the end-users, but that is two decades old and surprisingly computer technology keeps on advancing as the need to have more powerful desktop need is running up the scale. 32-bit refers the number of bits that can be processed or transmitted in parallel. Bits are the smallest unit of information on a machine that a microprocessor can process. The term indicates the wi dth of the registers in union with the microprocessor that is designed in a 32- bit platform.However, we can conclude that a 64-bit processor has a register that can store 64-bit numbers. Therefore, a 64-bit architecture is capable of processing data two times the amount of data a Central Processing Unit (CPU) can process per clock cycle. A computer user can easily say or think that 64-bit processors can double the speed of a 32-bit processor. The truth is, it is not all about processing speed, but it is all about memory management. 32-bit processor can use up to 4GB of Random Access Memory (RAM) with the help of using a capable motherboard.This 4GB Random Access Memory (RAM) is split between the operating system and the applications, 2GB for operating system and 2GB for application. In this manner of thinking, the entire user will see and think that a 64-bit processor is capable of using 8GB of RAM on their 64-bit computers. That is why numerous organizations and companies that acc ess massive amounts of data have already made the evolution to 64-bit servers, since this server can support superior number of larger files.They can also efficiently load huge enterprise database into memory that results in faster data retrieval and faster searches. The majority of 64-bit Central Processing Unit (CPU) remuneration will be ignored or will not be noticed without the key mechanism of 64-bit operating system software, and device drivers that can take benefit of 64-bit processor features. In 2005 to present, the puzzle has already been solved.We have a 64-bit operating system and some applications that support the technology and that makes as ready for the big migration. But then, as the end user thinks that migrating to a 64-bit computing will make their browser move faster, Word documents will be running faster or even presentation software will look much impressive, everyone will be dissatisfied. On the other hand, a more demanding application such as gaming, video e diting or encoding and the whole thing that requires more memory will surely witness the benefits.Even if at this point of time we already have the operating systems, applications that support the 64-bit platform, migrating from 32-bit to 64-bit is still a problem, due to the fact that Device Drivers for x64 operating are not yet fully available. Even the software giant Microsoft has requested those kinds of drivers. I. Brief background on the company you have chosen Datronic is a software development company focused on two upright markets; †¢ Windows device driver development and driver developers training based in Portugal†¢ Public Library book loan application software system based in Germany In 1972, Otto Rudinger founded Datronic in Ausberg/Germany. The main area of the Business for the first 20 years is Microfilm and high precision barcode master film production. In 2001 Marcel Rudinger the son of the founder of the said company founded device driver development depa rtment located in Madeira Island in Portugal and took over 49 % of Datronic. Marcel Rudinger as a student of computer science first developed his first MS DOS device driver and a low level system software that is intended to run under 8086 computer.Furthermore he continuously developed drivers and low-level systems software, design and project management for many well-known companies worldwide. The company also conducts public and onsite training courses which focuses on device driver development for windows Marcel Rudinger as the trainer. The company has been in this business since the middle of 1990’s. 2006 is the year where DATRONICSOFT was founded and Marcel Rudinger took over 100% of the Datronic.DatronicSoft supply offshore development, and test capacities for Windows device driver development, and at the same time develops Datronic’s public library book loan system as well as for some external companies. Discussion of Current Business Issues The companies traini ng and seminars supply the basic knowledge for developing or writing a complete new drivers and even modification of existing device drivers. The title of the training courses is WDM Device Driver Development for Windows XP, W2K3M VISTA and Longhorn server course 1(basics). It is a workshop with hands on labs and practical samples.It provides thorough introduction to low level and hardware related software development on the Microsoft windows platform. Mostly experienced application programmers, system software and driver developers are the company’s clients or customers. With DatronicSoft training courses, students expand a thorough knowledge and learn more about the device driver architecture of the Microsoft Windows operating system and their kernel mode components. On top of the course students learn more on backgrounds and concepts of device driver development using the Driver Development Kit (DDK) and lots of practical tips and tricks.C or C++ is the major programming l anguage for device driver development. Visual Studio is used as a tool for the development environment and as a compiler of the codes. The main issue whether the company is doing the development side or conducting offshore or in house training with due respect to adopt 64-bit computing, is the program possible errors occurring while porting C++ code from 32-bit platforms on 64-bit ones. As discussed earlier migrating from 32-bit computer system to 64-bit systems is inevitable and the need to develop drivers that will support the new platform is truly a necessity.Programmers should understand appropriately that the new set of errors that materialized while coding the 64-bit programs is not just some new faulty constructions among thousand of other codes. These are unavoidable difficulties, which the developers of any developing program will face. We are aware that 64-bit software and drivers is the next step of the information technologies development. But in actuality, only few prog rammers have faced the nuances of this bubble and developing 64-bit programs in particular. The analysis of the errors occurring while porting 32-bit programs on 64-bit system is a difficult task.Writing a not very quality code written without taking into account peculiarities of other architectures, might demand a lot of time and efforts. Thus causing delays on the development side, and may cause inaccurate instructions and solutions in the trainings conducted by the company. These issues should not be ignored for it will cause a huge amount of money in the company. We all know any project delays can cause disaster to any company and most probably it may cause the company to fail its objectives that will lead to the company’s downfall.Furthermore, dissatisfied students in terms of the content of the materials will surely arise. Since the student of the company are mostly programmers from different programming firms, possibility of loosing clients for driver development is ve ry high, because the content of the lecture doesn’t have the solutions for the problems stated below. Most common and possible problems that need to be observed thoroughly which the developer of 64-bit programs can face are: †¢ Common errors of programming which occur on 64-bit systems †¢ Reasons for appearing of these errors and the corresponding examples †¢ Methods of correcting the listed errors†¢ Review of methods and means of searching errors in 64-bit programs Recommendations for the Executive Committee With the problems sited in the study, the need to provide possible solutions will be provided. Program errors occurring while porting C++ code from 32-bit platforms on 64-bit ones are observed. Examples of the incorrect code and the ways to correct it are given. Methods and means of the code analysis, which allow diagnosing the errors discussed, are listed. The need to include the solutions to the training courses should be considered and applied in t he device driver development side.The following codes and analysis has already been tried and should be applied in both upright market of the company. Off warnings In all books devoted to the development of the quality code it is recommended to set a warning level of warnings shown by the compiler on as high level as possible. But there are situations in practice when for some project parts there is a lower diagnosis level set or it is even set off. Usually it is very old code that is supported but not modified. Programmers who work over the project are used to that this code works and don’t take its quality into consideration.Here it is a danger to miss serious warnings by the compiler while porting programs on the new 64-bit system. While porting an application you should obligatory set on warnings for the whole project that help to check the compatibility of the code and analyze them thoroughly. It can help to save a lot of time while debugging the project on the new archi tecture. If we won’t do this the simplest and stupidest errors will occur in all their variety. Here it is a simple example of overflow which occurs in a 64-bit program if we ignore warnings at all.

Friday, August 30, 2019

How the World Was Made

Beginnings How The World Was Made Cheerokee, Retold by: James Mooney â€Å"The earth is a great island floating in a sea of water† Long time ago when everything was all water and suspended at the each of the four cardinal points by a cord hanging down holding the solid rock. When the earth grows old and dulls it’s strings will snap and the earth will sink down just to be water again. The Indians were afriad of that happening. There was all the animals above in the Galun'lati, the sky realm. They wanted more space and wondered what was below the water. The little water-beetle voluntered to seek what was below.He darted for every direction, but no firm place to rest. He went down under and gather mud, which ended up growing on every side until it because as to what we know call Earth. The animals were anxious to go down, they asked the birds to check if it wasn’t too wet and they said that it was still wet. Later, the Buzzard went down, he flew all other and got ve ry tired and his wings began to strike the ground making what we call moutains and the animals thought there would only be mountains so they called the Buzzard to come back. As it dried, it grew dark so they got the sun and set in a track to go around everyday at a specific time.They took the sun, but it was really hot so they pushed it a little further until it was the right temperature for them to look around. Under this newly found earth was another – where plants grew and seasons were different. There were streams that came down the mountains. When the season would change the water grew warmer and warmer in the fall and in the winter things grew colder and colder. When the plants and animals were made they were told to watch and keep awake for several nights and only the owl, panther and one or two were given the ower to see and to go about in the dark and made the prey of birds and animals to sleep at night. As for the trees, it was the ceder, pine, spruce, holly and the laurel who were given to be always green and to be greatest for medicine. The rest had to lose their leaves every winter. There was only one boy and one girl until he struck her a fish and said to multiply and so she did, but very rapidly that they feared that the world wounldn’t keep up and then so it was made that a women should only have one child a year and so it has been ever since.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Informative Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Informative - Research Paper Example However, the online education also brings some negative effect to students. If the technology or Internet shut down, students would delay their learning. In the writing project three, I will clarify the pros and cons of online education. First, online education has received much acceptable on account of its cheapness. Such is the case that courses offered online are more affordable when compared to those offered at trade schools or colleges. While studying in collages may at times present some costs such as transportation, housing and meals, online education may not entail such expenses (Billitteri, pg 12). It is also important to note that online education saves students from the immigration problems as all a student needs to do is access the internet and begin the learning. The next advantage is the convenience advanced to students with regard to deciding when to study and for how long. Unlike in collages where students take their courses based on some annual or semester, here, students get the rare opportunity to schedule their studying around their work or even social schedule. The case has it that students are not limited to a classroom and thus they may do their work whenever they have the chance to access computer and internet. For this reason, students are able to set their own pace and choose exactly how fast they wish to go over the course. Flexibility is the other advantage attached to online education. This is especially brought by the idea that the program does not have set class times and place, a reason that gives students the room to decide when to complete their readings and assignments. Due to this flexibility, students can carry out their official or private work concurrently with their online education. The advantage of time flexibility allows students to log in and log out whenever it seems convenient, unlike the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Strategy for BPM Distribution Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Strategy for BPM Distribution Company - Essay Example Before getting further deep, the report will begin with a brief overview of the music distribution industry. Music distribution Industry: Overview Music distribution industry is a part of Media and Content Industries (MCI), which takes into account music publishing, video and motion picture production, broadcasting and distribution, and several other information services. The companies belonging to this industry mainly remains involved in producing musical recordings, generating in-broadcast revenues, music distribution and licensing rights for using music. Germany is ranked at the third position in terms of music sales. Globally, US top the charts with a staggering turnover of $15 billion per annum. Moreover, the industry is also forecasted to grow at a rapid pace. However, the biggest threat of this industry is illegal downloads and pirated cassettes. With the development of information and technology, companies around the world are redesigning their distribution pattern and focusing more on digital distribution. Some of the major companies of this industry are Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group, Warner Music Gro up, German firm Edel etc (IFPI, 2013). The industry is also characterized by the presence of numerous small music distribution firms. Recommended Business Strategy Business strategies are generally classified into three broad categories namely differentiation strategy, focus started and cost leadership strategy. The existing strategy of BPM is focus strategy. The company mainly focuses on a specialized segment of market. Its main customer group is local independent shops. The company has been extremely successful with this strategy, but due to technological advancement and increasing popularity of web based music shops and online download the local independent shops are losing their market share. As a result of this, the demand for vinyl and CD’s are reducing day by day and BPS is finding difficulties to maintain the desired sales volume. In order to deal with this situation, the company is recommended with the following strategies: - The company is recommended to consider the use of digital distribution in order to get success in the market. In order to pursue this strategy, the company should try to acquire digital distribution rights from the music production companies. This will allow the company to target those customers, who prefers to download music rather than buying CDs or DVDs. It is also recommended to the company that they should not focus on a particular group of customer, but the focus should be on mass customers. The company only sell their products to the retailers, but they can also consider selling products directly to the end consumers. This strategy will allow the company to earn more profits. The company is recommended to adopt differentiation strategy, rather than pursuing focus strategy. Although, the company does not have any scope of offering differentiated products and services to the customers, the only way by which they can differentiate their product line is through stocking different music genre. There is a long list

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Roles of AdministratorsWK3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Roles of AdministratorsWK3 - Essay Example Staffing is one of the differentiators between both types of administrations, as private administrators can command their will freely in the staff management. Change management, on the other hand, is not easy to handle regarding policy shifts in public administration. Employees create a number of hurdles. The private sector uses the tools of profit and loss smartly to enhance performance. Coming to preferences, budget is very critical in public administration. There are procedural similarities, but cost planning is given higher importance in private management. Compare and Contrast the Roles of Administrators in the Public and Private Sectors Definition of Public Administration The core elements of public administration are policy management, resource management, and program management. These functions of public management are defined by the Interagency Study Committee on Policy Management Assistance. According to Mushkin’s Report, public management also includes personnel man agement, workforce planning, shared bargaining and union-management relations, appraisal of production and execution, organization, financial control, and examining study, program, and control audit. Regarding case studies, the public domain is in the learning stage only while analysis of case studies is one of the leading methods to manage functions in the private sector (Allison Jr., 2006). Similarities Between Public and Private Administration The general management functions, as summarized in the acronym POSDCORB, are similar: planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, and budgeting. All these functions are not necessarily connected and related (Allison Jr., 2006). Organizing and Staffing Organizing and staffing are integral functions to control internally. The manager creates structures and processes for shared functions. Staffing goes side by side by appointing the right individuals in the related job, both in public and private administration (Allison Jr., 2006). Directing Personnel and the Personnel Management System The strength of an organization, whether public or private, is reflected through the expertise and awareness of its workforce. It is the function of the personnel management system to recruit, finalize, train, reward, and punish the staff by showing the pink slip to a human resource. Such human resource functions, similar in both sectors, help an organization in achieving its aims by taking particular instructions from management (Allison Jr., 2006). Managing Performance Different management information systems such as operations and capital budgets, accounts, reports, and statistical systems, performance evaluation and product approximation help managers in both sectors in decision-making and in valuing growth in the realization of aims (Allison Jr., 2006). Differences Between Public and Private Administration Some labels could be similar in both public and private administration, but the meaning is different. Tal king about the differences in the internal segments of administration in the private sector, it is the topmost critical task of a chief executive officer to make a judicious selection of employees. Both private and public sector organizations can work remarkably when responsibilities are shouldered by right people (Allison Jr., 2006). The pathways of executives of both sectors in staffing are different. Private sector administrators can lock plants, shift leading managers, hire and fire at will. On the other hand, policy changes are

Monday, August 26, 2019

Family implementation evaluation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Family implementation evaluation - Assignment Example To curb the growing problem of alcoholism and drunkenness, we developed the following recommendations: The current plan will rely on the ability of the county to promote the fight against drunkenness and smoking among community members. However, the current plan will have a project director who will possess a doctorate in project management or community health. There will also be a project manager with a minimum academic qualification of a bachelor’s degree. Other members of staff will be handpicked by the county and will undergo a three-day training after which they will receive certificates (Edelman, Mandle & Kudzma, 2013). Members of staff will operate from temporal structures, especially tents. The tents will be located in different parts of the county with a special focus on areas  that have  the highest  levels  of drug  abuse and smoking (Edelman, Mandle & Kudzma, 2013). The county will be the primary source of funding with additional funding from contributions. The Kendall County Counselling Center will assume a central role in the delivery of the current family plan to fight the issue of alcoholism and smoking among community members. Social groups such as YMCA and YWCA will also participate in the delivery of the current plan because of their reach and association with community members. The community will be the point of delivery because this plan is centred on creating awareness and discouraging drug abuse (Edelman, Mandle & Kudzma, 2013). The other reason is that the scope of the current plan is beyond family issues, and  the county  lacks the  resources to address individual needs. Program evaluator will receive the outcome data and the information from the above methods will be stored both electronically and on paper. The electronic records will be used for analysis using advanced computer software such as Excel (Edelman, Mandle & Kudzma, 2013). Outcome data

Sunday, August 25, 2019

College of Policing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

College of Policing - Essay Example If the College of Policing exploits its mandate and optimally committed to the realization of various roles as stipulated in the policy framework forming it, then there are so much to expect in terms of realizing the police professionalization and modernization agenda in policing. According to the Home Office, the governmental department in charge of policing and policing reforms is the College of Policing which will ensure that it safeguards public interest develops policing standards and also establish evidence of best policing practices (Home Office, 2012). It is from these duties that emphasis is seen to be in service delivery and a customer-centred approach to service delivery is to be adopted. These are the pillars of modernized policing. The need to step up best policing practices is quite prominent in these specified roles. It is important to note that the negative perception and lack of confidence in the police and by extension its systems in the UK have had the very little optimism of ever being redeemed. This tarnished image goes back decades and improving the image will require â€Å"less talk and more actions†. The institution has suffered from numerous allegations, ranging from lawlessness and its disregard for human rights to several other adverse claims. Take for instance the 1989 Hillsborough disaster where the police have been accused of not conducting themselves properly. It is alleged that testimonies were altered and reports indicate that quite a good number of those who died could have been saved. Compare this with the recent allegations made by the police watchdog that

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Customer Relationship Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Customer Relationship Management - Essay Example Recent research on categorization has led to scholars questioning the assumption and trying to test the impacts of two variables which are moderating on the customer needs categorization (Hamilton, 2005). Categorizing Customer Needs in Computer Software Sales Selling computer software is a business to business (B2B) activity. Hence, there is a need of categorizing customer needs for this activity. There is a method provided that helps the organization in the identification and categorization of the customer’s visits or contacts with the customer service center. This means that the organization has been provided with a method of identifying the customer’s problem or goal. The organization has also been using this method to categorize the customer needs into set that are centered on behavior. Hence, the organizations has integrated customer categorization and goal thereby initiating a foundation for optimizing the direction of the customer’s request through an appr opriate center. This method helps the organization in the collection of information that is related to the customer’s behavior. The organization then uses the information in the determination of the optimum manner that customer’s needs can be handled (Gupta, 2001). ... One the customers have been consulted, the organization then interprets the customers’ needs correctly in specs and design. Hence, the organization then provides operational definitions of output (Fader, 2010). Best Measures for Actual and Potential Value for the Customer Base Customer base refers to the grouping of the customers or consumers that an organization servers. The customer base is mainly composed of repeat customers with high ration of purchase over a given period. The best measure for actual and potential value for the customer base is the Eyeball Approach. The Eyeball Approach is based on the assumption that companies need to rapidly acquire customers so that they can grow. This also enhances the chances of the company to gain first mover advantage and also helps in the creation of network externalities which are very strong. For the organization that is involved in selling computer software to other businesses, the Eyeball Approach is also very advantageous base d on the fact that the number of businesses coming into the customer care desk indicates to the organization whether the organization is registering a positive growth. With an increase in the number of customers that are coming to the organization, it means that the organization is developing positively. This also means that its actual value for the customer base is very high. This also indicates that the potential value for the customer base is also very favorable to the organization. Hence, it is important for the organization to use the Eyeball Approach to assess the actual and potential value for the customer base (Hamilton, 2005). Why the Eyeball Approach is Advantageous The assumptions of the Eyeball Approach have been

Friday, August 23, 2019

What were Theodore Roosevelt's main contributions to American history Essay

What were Theodore Roosevelt's main contributions to American history - Essay Example He made the title of the President, instead of the political parties or the Congress, the epicenter of American government and legislation. Roosevelt also transformed the governments relationship to large industries and businesses. Preceding his presidency, the administration had normally given the giants of business and commerce complete freedom and authority to achieve their objectives. The President, however, considered that the government should have the right and the duty to control and regulate large industries so that its engagements did not negatively disturb the common public. In addition, Roosevelt transformed foreign affairs, deeming that the nation had a global duty and that a solid foreign policy helped the countrys concerns. He decided to get involved in Latin America with little reluctance. He also worked with the Congress to reinforce the U.S. Navy, which he knew would discourage possible enemies from aiming the country. He spent time in discussing peace agreements, exerting to balance power in the world. He was accountable for instigating several antitrust laws, and he effectively persuaded the US offer to construct the Panama Canal. He also negotiated the termination of the Russo-Japanese War in 1905. The most well liked President up to his time, Teddy Roosevelt used his fervor to shape concerns, and to affect opinions and in the process, transformed the executive office

Ancient history Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ancient history - Research Paper Example In every sphere of life, the Greeks were accustomed to see women as an addendum to the males. Some Greek medical treatises, which were written by Hippocrates1 and other anonymous Greek authors, reveal that though Greek medical scholars had endeavored to look deep into women’s physical realities from a neutral scientific perspective, they showed a tendency to see women as addendum to male. Consequently, such view seemed to dominate their medical interpretations of women’s physical realities (Pomeroy 34-37). Similarly, in other spheres of life, such as economy, politics, religion, law, etc, they would draw strict demarcations between men’s and women’s status as well as roles. Women’s Socioeconomic Status in Ancient Greece Like all other patriarchal societies, ancient Greeks used to see their women as men’s properties. As a result, the Greeks would not allow their women to inherit property. Also those women could not run business or be involved in earning activities. Traditionally it was believed that â€Å"A good wife's duty 'tis, Nicostratus, not to command, but to obey her spouse; most mischievous a wife who rules her husband† (Philemon pars. 18). ... Ancient Greek women could achieve wealth in several ways such as inheritance (not in traditional sense), receiving dowry and gifts. In fact, inheritance was a legal condition by a woman could inherit property of their deceased males as a mediator, if the legal inheritors of any deceased man or Kyrios were not mature enough. But they were required to transfer it to the legal inheritors of a Kyrios. Women’s Legal Status in Greek Society In that rigidly patriarchal Greek society, women could not enjoy independent individual existence. Instead, a Greek woman was bound to pass her entire life under the custody of a â€Å"Kyrios or male guardian† (Blundell 114), who was supposedly her father or her husband. In this regard, Sue Blundell comments, â€Å"Until she was married, a woman came under the guardianship of her father, or male next-of-kin. On her marriage, her husband took over the role of the role of kyrios.† (Blundell 112) In Greek patriarchy, a Kyrios would hav e to provide food, clothe, protection, etc to a woman who was under his guardianship. Such patriarchal norms of the Greek society necessarily would not allow a woman to be involved in economic activities. As a result, women had to remain economically dependent on their male counterparts and their economic dependence would result into their subservience to men. Consequently, this economic dependency excluded women from most of the outdoor activities; thus they would turn into the mere plaything of their men. The Greek society believed that â€Å"Good Women must abide within the house; Those whom we meet abroad are nothing worth.† (Anonymous pars. 45) Also Greek women were not allowed to occupy a judiciary post, as Sue

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Debate on Indian Removal Essay Example for Free

Debate on Indian Removal Essay In the contemporary world the idea of removal of an entire people from its native land would sound wickedly and would perhaps be considered a genocide, yet in the XIX century this idea was quite permissible and corresponded to the ruling concept of civilized nations which were to rule those uncivilized and determine their existence. Therefore, in our estimation of pro and contra Indian removal arguments I shall attempt to evaluate the named arguments first and foremost from the point of view of the time and base my conclusions on such evaluation. The first argument proposed by Andrew Jackson to the Congress in 1829 is that that no new state may be established without consent of the people of that state, and since Indians are living on the territory of existing states and do not constitute a majority, they may not establish their own government and have to obey the laws of the state or immigrate. A harsher version of the argument is provided in the North American Review, January 1830, blaming that Indians are barbarous people â€Å"incapable of sustaining any other relation with the whites, than that of dependence and pupilage. † Francis J. Grund is even more acrid, as he claims Indian’s cruelty towards the Founding Fathers. A counterargument can be found in the Memorial of the Cherokee Indians, published in the Weekly Register vol. 38, and it is that a white man is a ruler of the land, and the red man is weak, yet there were times when whites were week and reds were strong, and the whites received warm welcome from the Indians. Also the Indians argued that previous treaties guaranteed their rights to land. The situation with the Indians is similar to the one with the colonists before the Revolution. The colonists appeared to be weak and Britain was strong, yet the colonists were able to gain their independence by force. However, the Indians were unable to win the war and they had to obey those who are strong. Therefore, the US Government argument was nothing but a sword law, not a just law. This is well confirmed by the Decision of the U. S. Supreme Court in Worcester v. State of Georgia (1832), where the Court has found that treaties between the Indians and the Government, as well as Indian self-government are guaranteed as long as the Indians obey the general laws of the state. Since the Indians did not obey, all they privileges have to be annulled. Yet the laws of the state themselves made the Indians chose between â€Å"becoming civilized† in other words not leading their traditional lifestyle and immigration. So, it may be concluded, that removal has logically followed from the previous relations between the Indians and the Government, in which the Government used sword more frequently than justice. The second pro argument proposed by Andrew Jackson in 1830 were advantages of immigration both for the whites and for Indians. For the US government is was an opportunity to protect the frontiers, for the states of Mississippi and Alabama these were new territories and opportunities for development, and for the Indians, under Jackson, it was an ability not to have contacts with the civilized people, follow their customs and live under the government supervision, gradually becoming a civilized community. A counterargument of the Indians is explained in the mentioned Memorial, as well as in the article published in the North American Review, October 1830 where they claim their right to stay on their land and continue their traditional life same as any nation has title over its land. In fact, we once more face the sword law: the Government determined what is â€Å"civilized† and what is â€Å"law† and the Indians had to obey or disappear. Another Indian argument may be found in the letter from John Ross: the Government was just willing to get rid of the Indians. This is an argument with no counterargument. Government’s desire to make away with the Indians was undisputable. Concluding my analysis I have to recognize that the arguments of the Indians look stronger even for the XIX century. An independent international tribunal of the time would perhaps take their side. Yet there was no such tribunal, but only the will of the Government which caused Indians to be removed.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Macroeconomic Variables In China

Macroeconomic Variables In China From the beginning of the first public company on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 1990,the stock market has experienced a rapidly increase during these twenty years in china.Up to the year of 2008, there were approximately 1650 public companies on either Shanghai Stock Exchange or Shengzheng Stock Exchange with the total market capitalization of 121366(100 million yuan).The relationship between macroeconomic variables and market prices has been widely recognised by economists,they have made a lot of researches in this field,though the way to identify their bearings are vary from person to person.Some of them use only one of macroeconomic variables like Comoncioli(1995)who focuses on the relationship between stock market index and Gross Domestic Product (GDP),Pearce and Roley(1983) study on the PPI(producer price index),and Lee (1992)emphasizes on the Interest Rate.Some prefer to combine different kinds of macroeconomic variables for analysize.Abdullah and Hayworth(1993)use seven macro economic variables (namely,money spply,inflation ,short and long-term interest rates,budget,trade and the growth of industry)to study their relationship between stock market prices.Tursoy,Gunsel and Rjoub(2008) adopt more than ten macroeconomic variables for research.In this mini essay, the first part is the introduction of some relative backdrop,including the situation of stock market in china and the privious researches of other learners.Next to this,it begins to analyse the relationship between each macroeconomic variables and stock market prices according to the detailed statistics in china.The last part is to draw some conclusions. Since the differennt research purposes,the selection of proper and relevant macroeconomic variales are different.Dritsaki(2005)thinks that selecting macroeconomic variables should focus on those objects which reflect both economic and financial situation of one country. Thus,variables like GDP,CPI , Money Suppley, Exchange Rate,Interest Rate are applyed in this essay, for there are more likely valuable in tracing the relationship betwwen macroeconomic variables and stock market prices based on the special situation in china. On the long run,the fluctation of stock market prices and the changement of GDP shows a positive relationship,except the year of 2007.As we are known,GDP is a kind of mixed index ,which reflects the strength of a countrys overall macro-economic indicators. When there is a decline in the economic downturn, the majority of the public companies are more likely to reduce their investment and costs ,hence, the stock markets supply will move slowly;at the same time,due to economic downturn and lower expection and future income, investors, thereby reducing capital expenditure and investment,.Consequentaly,stock prices is bound to fall down. Conversely, when a countryà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ GDP grews rapidly, the herald of economic prospects, expectations about the future improvement of business confidence in future development, are keen to enlarge the scale of additional investment and the demand for capital expansion, thus stimulate the stock market and increase its whole value. Consumer Price Index Total Market Capitalization Year 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 TMC 1048 3531 3691 3474 9842 17529 19506 26471 48091 43522 38328 42457.72 37055.57 32430.28 89403 327141 121366 CPI 106.4 114.7 124.1 117.1 108.3 102.8 99.2 98.6 100.4 100.7 99.2 101.2 103.9 101.8 101.5 104.8 105.9 Note: TMC=Total Market Capitalization(100 Million Yuan) CPI= Concumer Price Index(assumption the last year is 100) As can be shown from the table,the CPI fluctuated in a narrow level,while the TMC saw an increase trend on the whole.It is widely realize that the measurement of Inflation Rate is based on the CPI.In theory, Inflation Rate not only directly affect peoples current decision-making, but also induce their inflation expectations. In times of inflation , currency depreciation inspired by inflation expectations always prompt the individuals to exchange the currency with commodity for the purpose of hedge, one of the hedge tools is stock, thus expanding the demand for shares; on the other hand,when inflation has grown to a level , the Government often carry out a tight fiscal and monetary policies to inhibit its development ,then, the interest rates is in rise. At that moment, one of the best options of public company to raise funds is to issue stock ,which allowing a corresponding increase in the supply of the stock market. At this point, if the stock market growth in demand is greater than supply growth, the stock price and inflation showed a positive relationship, or if the stock market growth in demand is less than supply growth, the stock price and inflation shows negative correlation. From the bar chart,though the money supply shows a steady increasing tread, the TMS seems not always keep pace with it ,this might due to the special situation in china.In theory,Money supply on stock market prices can be achieved through three kinds of effects: (1) Expected effects. When the central bank plan to implement expansionary monetary policy ,it can influence the market participants expect the currency market for the future, thus changing the stock of money supply and affect the price and size of the stock market; (2) the portfolio effect. When the central banks carry a easing monetary policy, currency held by the people increased, while the marginal utility of money (investment income) is decreasing in the other conditions remain unchanged, people held money would exceed the needs of daily transactions ,This would,of course, result in some money flood into the stock market, and the stock market prices is in rise undoubtly; (3) the growth effect of the intrinsic value of th e stock. When money supply increases, interest rates will fall,and investment will increase, thereby stimulating the stock market prices. Generally speaking, these three kinds of effects are positive, that is, money supply increase, the stock prices. Therefore, the money supply on stock prices is positive. Exchange Rate Total Market Capitalization Year 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 TMC 1048 3531 3691 3474 9842 17529 19506 26471 48091 43522 38328 42457.72 37055.57 32430.28 89403 327141 121366 ER 551.46 576.20 861.87 835.10 831.42 828.98 827.91 827.83 827.84 827.70 827.70 827.70 827.68 819.17 797.18 760.40 694.51 Note:TMC=Total Market Capitalization(100 Million Yuan) ER= Exchange Rate (Base on 100 Dollars) Exchange rate, is a currency of another countrys currency exchange rate. As an important economic lever, the exchange rate changes on the interaction between a countrys stock market is reflected in many ways, including: import and export, prices and investment. Exchange rate directly affect the international flow of capital. A countrys exchange rate, means that the currency depreciation will boost exports and depress imports, thus promote one countryà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s cash flow, enhance public companys expected returns,Then to some extent,promote the stock prices.However, as can be seen from the data,the relationship between Exchange Rate and stock market prices seems not significant as expected. From the perspective of investor,one of the most sensive factors that effect the stock prices is the movement of bank interest rate,which have a direct impact on the thrend of stock prices. According to classical economic theory, the interest rate is the price of money ,and the opportunity cost of holding money, which depends on the capital markets supply and demand. The supply of funds from savings, while the demand comes from investerment.Both investment and savings have profound impact on interest rates. Interest rates can reduce the cost of holding money, promote the transformation of savings to investment, thereby increasing the circulation of cash flow and corporate discount rates,leading to stock market prices rise. So interest rates increase, stock market lower; on the other hand, interest rates drop, the stock market higher. The analysis carried out in this paper indicates that the relationship between each macroeconomic variables and stock market prices are difference in china. From the above-mentioned datas and analysis,macroeconomic variables are relevant indicators of the movements of stock market prices, to be more specific ,CPI,Interest rate, Exchange rate show a negative correlation with Stock Market Price,while GDP and Money Supply present a positive relationship with Stock Market Price on the long run.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Blackberry Agriculture for Economic Development

Blackberry Agriculture for Economic Development Abstract Name of the project: Blackberry future Name of applicant: Haris Tahric Project partners: Municipality of Bihac Priority area of the project: Municipality of Bihac TARGET GROUP / NO DIRECT CUSTOMER: Entrepreneurs, Firms, Fruit processing factories. PLACE OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROJECT: Rural areas of Bihac municipality Project duration (month): 12 months Budget: 70 312 â‚ ¬ Summary Blackberry is a fruit species in our country, and especially in Bosnia, for many manufacturers of new and insufficiently known cultures, because the production began to be introduced only thirty years ago. As fruit crops, blackberry has great economic importance. Blackberry fruits are suitable and in great demand for various types of domestic and industrial processing, cryopreservation and for consumption in the fresh state. However, the current needs cannot be even close to settle, because the production of blackberries in our small and still largely achieved from natural populations of wild blackberries. Hence there is a need to accelerate the introduction and expansion of production as productive and better noble varieties of blackberries. Quickly coming into bearing, regularly and generously giving birth, fruit quality, easy realization of production achieved at affordable prices and other characteristics make noble blackberry very useful and profitable crop. In addition, in our country there are favorable natural conditions for the production of blackberries on a wide area of lowland to mountain heavy areas. So it is favorable natural resources relatively little exploited. The high profitability of growing blackberries is affected, that in recent years raising amateur and commercial plantation takes shape and is interested in its cultivation of a large number of manufacturers. I was very interested in the production of blackberries because of its biological properties, as well as fruit species, the best varieties to include in his plantation, the method of cultivation, plantation and raising seedlings, as well as the latest developments in the entire process of production and trade of fruits. I tried to use as many of their own results and other experiences, in order to avoid making mistakes, which would later reflect negatively on the success of the production of blackberries. INFORMATION ABOUT THE APPLICANT Mission: Our mission is to promote the agriculture of blackberries to become one of the main driving forces for the promotion of the local economy, because it is an agricultural product that has very low production costs but with the right selling strategy is could be very profitable. Vision: Our vision is to establish one product that could be the fundament of the local economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the main driving force which will bring our living standards to a higher level. The main objectives and strategies: Main objective of this project is to find investors which will invest into it. Such a goal is very hard to establish because we are now in a crisis period in which people are afraid to invest into projects which are not 100% profitable. This main objective can be established if we plan everything correctly and put a lot of effort into the project. The first part of this project consists of the description about the local economic position and what are the main problems. The second part consists of strategies how to use best the blackberry fields to maximize the profit. First stage of project will continue to work alongside of the other. Please provide brief description of the organizational structure and decision-making structure Number of employees would be ten to fifteen, with one executive manager, four graduates, one secretary, and nine field workers. Type of hierarchy would be vertical, where executive manager would be the director and the main decision maker, while four other employees would be subordinated to him in hierarchy. Decision making structure would be simplified, with executive manager on the top. The main idea is to follow the ideas of one person so that it don’t came into the position to deal with two or more strategies, which at the end wouldn’t be successful. Figure 1: Decision making hierarchy Workforce organization in the organization: Name and last name Occupation Position Gender Experience in years N/N Executive Manager CEO M 5 N/N Graduated Manager Consultant M 0 N/N Graduated Manager Consultant M 0 N/N Secretary Secretary W 3 N/N Field workers Physical workers M 3 Office: Own or leased Owned ( A smart Office space in the center of the city) Own or jointly with other NGOs Own Area 100 sqm (four working spaces and one meeting hall) Do you have a phone / fax in the office: Yes Do you have Internet access at the office: Yes Do you have all the necessary equipment for the implementation of the project? Yes INTRODUCTION As fruit crops, blackberry has great economic importance. It is particularly interesting for growing in warmer areas but near mountain, up to 700m above sea level. Economic significance as blackberry fruit culture, provide biological production traits which it is characterized, which is reflected in the following: quickly enter the fruit, because in the second year after planting begins to bear, and in the third year of a full fruit; born regularly and abundantly; blackberry fruits have great nutritional, technological and dietetic value, and are suitable and much in demand for various types of processing; Production of blackberries is very safe, because fresh fruits and its products easily and conveniently sold in domestic and foreign markets; easily and quickly multiplies, rooting peaks and using strips; adapts well to different growing conditions, it is not a big elector in terms of soil properties, late flower, also known spring frosts her no harm; growing blackberries is quite simple and allows the employment of more labor; relatively resistant to pests and diseases; its fruits are applied for medicinal purposes These and other biological production and technological features make blackberry very useful and profitable crop. Growing of blackberry is very fast and also returns on your investment. In addition to the good qualities of blackberries have disadvantages such as: Late ends vegetation, especially blackberries without thorns; What has plenty of sensitive fruits are small and durability; It is necessary for its growing enough manpower, especially for harvesting. To avoid these drawbacks, I chose the plantation earlier varieties of blackberries without thorns, which achieve high yields. Stakeholders of the project Municipality of Bihac – Municipality of Bihac in rural areas will have the biggest benefit from implementation of this project because they will introduce a new branch of berries. Furthermore, budget is expected to benefit due to increased activities. People – unemployed people in rural sector, which is the most affected in our country will directly get an opportunity to launch new small private enterprises or to engage in existing producer groups and thereby provide the jobs for themselves. Furthermore, people who live from agriculture will benefit. The areas around Bihac, as well as the majority of Una-Sana Canton are known for very fertile land for cultivation and production of fruits and vegetables. This production would put special focus on finding reliable partner for redemption of surpluses of blackberry. Firms – which already work on the area of municipality will benefit from the new product, which will expand the offer of companies that are engaged in buying and reselling fruit. Members/Individuals – workers who participate in the work on the plantations of blackberry. Foreign firms – which decides to invest in our country. They will be provided with a high quality product at a very affordable price. Targeted groups First of all, the target will be the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina but considering a good geographical position the target will also be West Europe, countries such as German, Italy, Austria and Benelux countries. This market, European market, has a large number of consumers of this product and major importers of blackberries because of insufficient domestic production. Overall goal of the project Overall goal of this project is to make a blackberry plantation by European standards and to participate in the European Union market with high quality products. With this move, we would have presented the municipality of Bihac and the Una-Sana Canton, to population of European Union in the best possible way and therefore met them with other products produced around these areas. Attracting FDI to Bosnia and Herzegovina, we can expect new projects and investments that will effect positively our economy and society. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Privately owned 100% Registered Capital: 65,100 KM Registration Number: - Date of establishment: 12.09.2000.god. Date of last registration: 06.09.2004.god. Bank: UniCredit Bank 60% Credit request: Credit for equipment and 45,000 KM Credit for working capital 15,000 KM TOTAL: 60,000 KM Repayment period 60 months, 6% interest. 1. What is the subject of investment? The subject of this loan application is: Fixed assets 110 000 KM Current assets 15,100 KM 2. How much funding is needed to achieve this? It takes a total of 173 100 KM, How will invest their own funds in the project What is required to obtain / build and What do you expect of these investments ? 3. Sources of funding: Loan commitments 60,000 KM Own funds 65 100 KM Annual income 48,000 KM Total: 173,100 KM. 4. It is necessary that the storage space install a small refrigerator, a refrigerated van, increase the surface area plantations, and obtain new varieties of blackberries. 5. From the presented investment, it is realistic to expect the modernization of production and increase capacity. IMPACT FOR THE COUNTRY / IMPACT FOR CITIZENS The agriculture should be in every country of the world the main part of the economy, because through the agriculture industry the whole economy of a country could do and buy whatever they want. Effects of expectations To increase production, which means security maintenance and expansion of relationships with customers, increase the number of seasonal workers, to fruits have time to repent and placed on the domestic and foreign markets. During each operation must be strictly take into account the quality and the customer is satisfied. Information about Ecology Production of blackberries is healthy and does not pollute the environment. Dry branches and leaves burn at the specified location. RESULTS OF THE BUSINESS PLAN As we know, to engage in any business must have a business plan, which will be our road map guiding. The business plan provided blackberries are all actions that occur in the production process. Investing own and borrowed capital to be efficient and to bring economic effects (profits). The planning results can provide a variety of efficiency. E > 1, E = 1 or E If efficiency is less than one, new investments are not efficient, and we have to realize a loss in the business plan of remedying the deficiencies that affect the negative efficiency. This is one of the better ways to verify the success of any enterprise. In addition to a good, realistic planning for the success of the enterprise, it is very important and successful manager, and his task is to produce blackberries presents the domestic and foreign market at realistic prices. In order for products to be competitive in the international market, have to meet European standards. Result 1 To conduct a business plan which will be completely according to the rules which are set by the ruling, we must first identify what is it what people need in accordance to survive. Result 2 Contribution to the development of the agricultural segment, through promotions in the ministry parliament. They don’t know if they even can fix them but people are making nervous protests just to become what they have deserved. Result 3 The most important result is that the development of the blackberry agriculture industry will help the local economy to survive and to earn enough funds to raise the GDP level, the average wage, the standard of living, to pay back government loans and to fund projects in the future whose goal is to establish a working economy with many benefits. Risks and Safeguards For the production of blackberry plantation farming risks are very small because of late starts with vegetation, and there is no danger of frost during the growing season. It is very well tolerated by dry periods, and is suitable for irrigation, since the plantations raised on gentle hills. In the case of lower genus, the number of seedlings is measured in order to achieve the planned profit, which can successfully sell on the market. Monitoring, evaluation and reporting Monitoring is the process which will give insight to the stakeholders of this project, and in particular, to the financers. Manager of the project is obligated to send reports about the status of project, planned activities and its progress. Through the monitoring the project manager is going to indicate what is being done good and what is being done bad. These adjustments will be done through communication with the executives in order to come up with the optimal solutions, which will satisfy all members involved in the project. I other words reports about the execution of time schedule, activities and budget, manager will send periodically. To have successful business and raise this firm on a higher level, he will also have meetings, monthly or quarterly with relevant stakeholders. On those meetings, they are also allowed to give their opinion, comments or any proposal which will be discussed among them. Evaluation – of the project will be done by a manager, and he is obligated to use step by step technique, due to fact of small number of employees, and limited budget. This is done because this project does not want for manager to get involved in too many activities at the same and as a result of that, those activities do not get proper execution. He will be allowed to move to next planned activity during the implementation of this project only after the previous activity has been done, or it has moved into final phase. Reporting – As an appropriate persons from the financial side of the project, manager must send periodically reports to relevant stakeholders and executives. CONCLUSION Why I opted for plantation cultivation blackberry? Great love for the fruit has contributed to decide for plantation cultivation of blackberries. Bearing in mind that the blackberry fruit crops as very young in our region, its good biological properties, each year he entered the great fertility of high-quality fruits, which have been increasingly used in household, culinary and food industry. Products blackberries are healing, both in fresh and in processed condition. There is a great demand for blackberries, success is guaranteed.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Comparing Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and Laurences The Fire-Dwellers :: comparison compare contrast essays

Loss of Identity in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and  Margaret Laurence's The Fire-Dwellers The protagonists in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale and Margaret Laurence’s The Fire-Dwellers are very different in character.   However, both of these women lose their identity due to an outside influence.   In each of the books, we see the nature of the lost identity, the circumstances which led to this lost identity, and the consequences which occurred as a result of this lost identity.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In The Handmaid’s Tale our main character, Offred, has her whole world stolen away by the government of Gilead.   This new society is sexually repressed and is founded by religious extremists.   Women are only used to produce children, and they have no rights at all in the new world of Gilead.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In The Fire Dwellers our main character, Stacey MacAindra, has been thrown into a life of responsibility.   She has an uncommunicative husband who means well, but shows her no love, as well as four children who she feels are being ruined by her every action.   She feels that life has much more to offer than the tediousness of every day routine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The nature of Offred’s lost identity is very drastic.   Before the new religious group of Gilead took over the world, she was a very normal every day woman.   She did what was expected of her time and continued to do so after the take over.   She had a husband and a daughter who she loved very much.   In the new society in which she lives, however, love is not permitted. â€Å" If   I thought that this would happen again I would die.   But this is wrong, nobody dies from lack of sex.   It’s lack of love we die from.   There’s nobody here I can love, all the people I could love are dead or elsewhere†(page?).   **Are these words spoken by Offred? **   Offred also had the choice of free will before her civilization changed, but then slowly women began to lose all of their rights and were no longer allowed to have jobs or even to use money. â€Å"Sorry, he said. This number is not valid.†Ã‚   â€Å"That’s ridiculous,   I said.   It must be, I’ve got thousands in my account.†Ã‚   â€Å"It’s not valid, he repeated obstinately.   See that red light?   Means it’s not   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   valid,†(p.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

Odonata The damselfly species is part of an insect group called Odonata. Odonata consists of dragonflies, which are the suborder Anisoptera, and damselflies, which are the suborder Zygoptera. The insect group Odonata is very small, probably containing only about 5,000 living species (Corbet, 1999). Odonata, typically called Odonates, are usually found close to bodies of water, looking for small insects to eat. Adult Odonates catch their prey while in flight, while younger Odonates, called nymphs, hunt for their prey at the bottom of the body of water they live in. Nymphs eat almost any insect small enough for them to digest (book on iCloud). Nymphs Nymphs live in water throughout their entire developmental stage, which can take anywhere from three weeks to more than eight years, depending on the species of the nymph and it’s location and habitat. They undergo eight to seventeen molts (Corbet, 1999), although the amount of molts undergone depends on the species. When a nymph’s developmental stage is complete, it climbs out of it’s previous home in the water, a final molt is undergone, and an adult damselfly appears (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2010). Nymphs have a set of gills along their abdomen, which are used for breathing as well as a transportation device and a way of escaping from predators in an emergency. Water is ushered into the gills, and then forcefully emitted, propelling themselves forward and farther away from their enemies (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2010). Nymphs, despite their excellent predatorily abilities, are usually hunted by fish, although occasionally they are also hunted by birds, crayfish, frogs, and each other. When their development is complete and they are finally an adult dams... .... Transferring sperm depends on the species of damselfly because the sex organs are particularly elaborate and specific to the each species. Organs in the male damselflies that allow the end of its’ abdomen to attach to the back of the females’ head correspond between each individual species, making mating between separate species nearly impossible. Some species of damselflies lay their eggs either inside or on plant tissue, which is either above or in water. Some females climb beneath the surface of the water to position their eggs and remain there for an hour, or perhaps more. Some species submerge their abdomen in the water, so the eggs wash off, or put them on leaves close to the water’s edge. This is sometimes done while the damselfly is in flight. Other species simply allow their eggs to drop onto the surface of the water while they are flying (Corbet, 1999).

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Script on aboriginal

I have chosen to do my following script from when Molly, Daisy and Gracie have just been captured and are being taken to Moore River Native Settlement. The reason I have chosen to start my script from there is because there will be a range of emotions that will be felt by the girls at that time I and will develop on them and hopefully get a bit of understanding of the torment they must have been going through. Molly Daisy and Gracie are in the back of Mr. Neville's care on the way to Moore River. Gracie is crying and Daisy is shaking. Molly: (Whispers to Daisy) It's going to be all right Daisy, I will get us back home. Daisy: (Still shaking) OK Molly, I trust you. Molly: (Turns to Gracie and whispers) Remember the spirit bird Gracie, remember spirit bird†¦ Gracie: (Tears running down her face, wipes her nose with her hand) The spirit bird will guide us home. Where are we going Molly, I'm scared Molly, I want to go home. Daisy: (in aboriginal) Molly is going to get us home Gracie. I know she will. Mr Neville: (sharp cold tone) Oi! Enough of your filth language. If you are to talk, talk in English. (to himself) Bleeding half-breeds. Molly: (Now shaking herself) Where are you taking us? Mr Neville: (not even looking at Molly) You will see in due time. But first I need to stop And fill up the tank. (He turns to Molly with a frightening look on his face) if You even think about trying to run away, I will do something even your spirit Bird can't guide you through. Mr Neville exits the car to talk to the petrol pump attendant. We see Molly's Grandmother enter the scene running and screaming in aboriginal. She runs to the car and tries to open the door, but Mr Neville was too quick. He whipped his cane across the face of the helpless old lady. Molly: (in shock, speaking in aboriginal) Grandmother! Molly covers Gracie's eyes as she begins to cry. Daisy tries to open the door of the car, but Mr Neville gets back in. Mr Neville: (laughing) I don't suppose you girls want to go the same way as your Grandmother, do you? No I didn't think so. Now you know what the Punishment will be if you ever try to escape from under my nose. Gracie: (still crying) Your big nose! Mr Neville: (fury overwhelming him) What did you just say?! Molly: (quickly) Nothing Mr Neville, sir. Honest. Mr Neville: (deciding not to take any action) As I was saying, even if you do succeed in Escaping, you won't ever see your grandmother again. Daisy: (with courage) You an evil- Molly: (coughs loudly) Mr Neville: (evil sneer) Where your going will change you lives forever. And it will be all Down to me. Over the years you will realise how much good is doing†¦ They slow down as they approach there destination. Molly looks around, already thinking about how they were going to escape. This script shows elements of power, freedom and control throughout. Mr Neville who is one of the most powerful people in the process of biological absorption has control over the aboriginals. He mentions what would happen to them if they tried to escape because all they want is freedom. It was an important part of the play because it was the first time that they were being taken to the camp. Everyone in the scene had different feelings and they all showed them in different ways.

Rotc in the Philippines

ROTC: Empowering the youth for peace and progress â€Å"Why take the hard way, if there’s an easy way†, these are the words that will come out from the mouth of an average and malingering human being, but taking the Reserved Officer Training Corps as their National Service Training Program will make them no average human being. These Cadets like me stepped out from the rest, to be above all the rest. Taking up the Civic Welfare Training Service, will be no extra ordinary just like every civilian can do and unlike a militiaman can do.Not all students in the tertiary level have the guts and courage to take the ROTC as their chosen NSTP or to enter a Military Service, but why do you think these students outside the military profession did not take this path of being a future reservist, a defender of the republic and a keeper of harmony among the Filipinos? First, they say that in ROTC they will stand up under the heat of the sun for a long time, yes they will stand under t he heat of the sun, but that is part of their training however, they will not stand up that long that will be too hazardous for their wellbeing.Second, they say that Hazing is rampant and were being conducted to cadets in ROTC, but Hazing is clearly not tolerable in the organization, how will a Cadet, a youth will empower peace and progress if they will be exposed to unlawful violence such as hazing? Third, ROTC is full of burden and hardships. These people consider Physical Training as burden and hardships; these are only part and parcel of their training as Cadets and to be a future defender of the state.Physical training is for the betterment of their wellbeing and life when they came back as a civilian in the society, they entered a Military Service not a playground. These are the three common reasons on why these students who did not take the ROTC and rejected to be part of the corps. These students or even the civilian world perceived only the one side of the coin, the negativ e side of Military Service. In ROTC, it promotes patriotism, moral values, virtues, respect for rights of the civilian and adherence to the constitution, the core values on empowering peace and progress.These youths, the cadets are casted to be future leaders of our country and to be the hope of our nation, here where some of our finest warriors are products of the ROTC. They are equipped mentally, physically, socially, and emotionally. They are trained to be disciplined, to build a better personality, and to overcome weaknesses. Military Professionalism is not the only lesson taught here but as well as the Conduct of a good Civilian. ROTC is one good way of keeping the youth away from harmful vices. As Rizal quoted â€Å"The youth are the hope of the nation†.ROTC Cadets as part of the youth sector are the hope of the nation and one of the primary movers on empowering peace and progress of the nation. As they come back to civilian life they are prepared to be a soldier, a lea der, and a better civilian or member in the society. They are deployed as civilians to contribute in the development and progress of the society and nation. What Parents cannot taught and straighten up to their children for years, can be done and straighten in several Sundays in ROTC. Disciplined and cooperative members of the society are one of the ingredients for the peace and progress of the nation.The reservists, including the ROTC Cadets are the backbone of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and as well as the society. The ROTC Cadets, Reservists and the Regular Force together with their Civilian Counterparts are having a joined force for the betterment and the advancement of the Philippines. The Military especially the reserve force supports all civic welfare activities done by the government and some Non Government Organizations; in regard with this the Armed Forces of the Philippines launched the OPLAN Bayanihan that was criticized by numerous activists, leftists, and detra ctors.Despite of these criticisms, this operation was pursued and successfully continues to help the wellbeing of the civilians, such activities are food programs, medical missions, clean up drives, and other civic and humanitarian efforts, these is to promote peace and to prevent armed struggle among the Filipinos . In times of catastrophe and calamity the ready reserve force and a number of ROTC cadets are called to respond, help and rescue the people in need, after these, these soldiers remained in active duty to conduct relief operations.These duties and service to the nation may be done not only by the Cadets or men in military service, but also by people in the civilian community or any ordinary citizen in the society. Small actions can make a big difference. Men in uniform cannot do these things all by themselves effectively, but rather if the civilians will come in aid to them or cooperate with them big difference will come out, Peace and Progress in the Philippines. In this we can say that Military is no powerful or more useful than the civilians. Men in uniform have been trained to gain more abilities, but they are trained to phold the civilian supremacy at all times. The ROTC Cadets magnifies the epitomical image of an ideal Filipino who contributes to the progress and keeping the harmony among the Filipinos in the Philippines. This shows that the ROTC Cadets as a future reservist are the epitome of an ideal citizen of our country. A citizen that has a heart to sympathize his fellow Filipinos, and a soldier that has patriotism to preserve the peace and order in the country. Be a young hero, join the unit, be an ROTC Cadet! * CDT. DIEGO MARIANO Rotc in the Philippines ROTC: Empowering the youth for peace and progress â€Å"Why take the hard way, if there’s an easy way†, these are the words that will come out from the mouth of an average and malingering human being, but taking the Reserved Officer Training Corps as their National Service Training Program will make them no average human being. These Cadets like me stepped out from the rest, to be above all the rest. Taking up the Civic Welfare Training Service, will be no extra ordinary just like every civilian can do and unlike a militiaman can do.Not all students in the tertiary level have the guts and courage to take the ROTC as their chosen NSTP or to enter a Military Service, but why do you think these students outside the military profession did not take this path of being a future reservist, a defender of the republic and a keeper of harmony among the Filipinos? First, they say that in ROTC they will stand up under the heat of the sun for a long time, yes they will stand under t he heat of the sun, but that is part of their training however, they will not stand up that long that will be too hazardous for their wellbeing.Second, they say that Hazing is rampant and were being conducted to cadets in ROTC, but Hazing is clearly not tolerable in the organization, how will a Cadet, a youth will empower peace and progress if they will be exposed to unlawful violence such as hazing? Third, ROTC is full of burden and hardships. These people consider Physical Training as burden and hardships; these are only part and parcel of their training as Cadets and to be a future defender of the state.Physical training is for the betterment of their wellbeing and life when they came back as a civilian in the society, they entered a Military Service not a playground. These are the three common reasons on why these students who did not take the ROTC and rejected to be part of the corps. These students or even the civilian world perceived only the one side of the coin, the negativ e side of Military Service. In ROTC, it promotes patriotism, moral values, virtues, respect for rights of the civilian and adherence to the constitution, the core values on empowering peace and progress.These youths, the cadets are casted to be future leaders of our country and to be the hope of our nation, here where some of our finest warriors are products of the ROTC. They are equipped mentally, physically, socially, and emotionally. They are trained to be disciplined, to build a better personality, and to overcome weaknesses. Military Professionalism is not the only lesson taught here but as well as the Conduct of a good Civilian. ROTC is one good way of keeping the youth away from harmful vices. As Rizal quoted â€Å"The youth are the hope of the nation†.ROTC Cadets as part of the youth sector are the hope of the nation and one of the primary movers on empowering peace and progress of the nation. As they come back to civilian life they are prepared to be a soldier, a lea der, and a better civilian or member in the society. They are deployed as civilians to contribute in the development and progress of the society and nation. What Parents cannot taught and straighten up to their children for years, can be done and straighten in several Sundays in ROTC. Disciplined and cooperative members of the society are one of the ingredients for the peace and progress of the nation.The reservists, including the ROTC Cadets are the backbone of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and as well as the society. The ROTC Cadets, Reservists and the Regular Force together with their Civilian Counterparts are having a joined force for the betterment and the advancement of the Philippines. The Military especially the reserve force supports all civic welfare activities done by the government and some Non Government Organizations; in regard with this the Armed Forces of the Philippines launched the OPLAN Bayanihan that was criticized by numerous activists, leftists, and detra ctors.Despite of these criticisms, this operation was pursued and successfully continues to help the wellbeing of the civilians, such activities are food programs, medical missions, clean up drives, and other civic and humanitarian efforts, these is to promote peace and to prevent armed struggle among the Filipinos . In times of catastrophe and calamity the ready reserve force and a number of ROTC cadets are called to respond, help and rescue the people in need, after these, these soldiers remained in active duty to conduct relief operations.These duties and service to the nation may be done not only by the Cadets or men in military service, but also by people in the civilian community or any ordinary citizen in the society. Small actions can make a big difference. Men in uniform cannot do these things all by themselves effectively, but rather if the civilians will come in aid to them or cooperate with them big difference will come out, Peace and Progress in the Philippines. In this we can say that Military is no powerful or more useful than the civilians. Men in uniform have been trained to gain more abilities, but they are trained to phold the civilian supremacy at all times. The ROTC Cadets magnifies the epitomical image of an ideal Filipino who contributes to the progress and keeping the harmony among the Filipinos in the Philippines. This shows that the ROTC Cadets as a future reservist are the epitome of an ideal citizen of our country. A citizen that has a heart to sympathize his fellow Filipinos, and a soldier that has patriotism to preserve the peace and order in the country. Be a young hero, join the unit, be an ROTC Cadet! * CDT. DIEGO MARIANO

Friday, August 16, 2019

Development And Evaluation Of A Dispersive Liquid Environmental Sciences Essay

It has been developed a small-scale, simple, and rapid diffusing liquid-liquid microextraction ( DLLME ) process in combination with fiber optic-linear array sensing spectrophotometry ( FO-LADS ) with charge-coupled device ( CCD ) sensor profiting from a micro-cell. The official mention methods ( ASTM D2330 – 02, ISO 7875-1 ) which require boring processs were replaced with modified method, as a consequence, it has achieved a major decrease in sample size, riddance of the usage of expensive glasswork, and a lessening in the measure of trichloromethane used every bit good as much more addition in sensitiveness. Our presented method requires merely one twentieth of sample ( 5.0 milliliter ) , less than one three-hundredth of microextraction dissolver ( chloroform = 138 A µL ) , and much reduced in analytical clip compared with official analytical methods ( less than one minute ) . The standardization curve was additive in the scope of 0.06 A- 10-1 – 0.8 A- 10-1 milligra m La?’1 of Na dodecyl sulphate ( SDS ) with a correlativity coefficient ( R ) of better than 0.99 and the LOD was 0.02 A- 10-1 milligram La?’1. The repeatability of the proposed method ( n=7 ) were found to be 4.5 and 3.6 % for the concentration of 0.03 and 0.07 milligram La?’1, severally. The enrichment factor was found to be 75 for SDS. Keywords: Diffusing liquid-liquid microextraction A · Water analysis A · Methylene blue active substance A · Anionic wetting agent A · Fiber optic-linear array sensing spectrophotometry1. IntroductionA turning public concern over protecting our environment obligate chemists, including analytical chemists, to alter their activities in such a manner that they will be conducted in an environmentally friendly mode. Sampling, and particularly sample readying, often involves coevals of big sums of pollutants. This is why sample readying techniques that use a little sum of organic dissolver, or none at all, have been developed [ 1-4 ] . Anionic wetting agents ( AS ) are widely used in family cleaners, industrial detergents and decorative preparations. The wetting agents expelled to natural H2O reservoirs as municipal and industrial wastes are good known to hold inauspicious effects on aquatic beings ; hence the monitoring of wetting agents in environmental samples is of great importance [ 5, 6 ] . For the measuring of entire surfactant concentration, titration methods have been extensively explored [ 7, 8 ] . Several ion-selective electrodes sensitive to anionic wetting agents have been reported so far [ 9-11 ] . Anionic wetting agents are normally determined by spectrophotometric methods utilizing methylene blue ( MB ) , this standard methods being used to find AS in the surface and tap-water samples ( ASTM D2330 – 02, ISO 7875-1 ) [ 12, 13 ] . The method is based on the formation of blue-coloured trichloromethane extractible ion-pair between the AS and the cationic MB. This requires three consecutive extractions of AS-MB content in 100 milliliter of sample with 15, 10, and 10 milliliter of trichloromethane. The ion-pair is determined by spectrophotometry, mensurating the optical density at 650 nanometer. However, these official methods are non merely long and boring but besides require great measures of sample and trichloromethane which has harmful consequence on chemists and environment. Besides, this method needs batch of research lab glasswork, do these operations highly expensive and uncomfortable for the operator. So it seems necessary to seek for new offers as options for the a foresaid method in order to increase the laboratory productiveness, operator safety, comfort, and to cut down drastically the reagents ingestion and waste production. Koga et Al. proposed a decrease of the size of sample employed for AS finding in H2O, being modified this method to utilize 50 milliliter of H2O and 5 milliliter trichloromethane, holding obtained a six times addition of the research lab productiveness [ 14 ] . An other simplified methods that cut down the measures of reagent by utilizing a certain sort of adsorbent have been proposed [ 15 ] . However, this method besides involves boring processs. Besides other research workers studied primary biodegradation of AS in aerophilic showing trials based on the formation of ion-pair of AS and MB [ 16 ] . By early 2006, Assadi and his research group innovated an attractive, high public presentation and powerful liquid-phase microextraction ( LPME ) method which named their techniques â€Å" Diffusing liquid-liquid microextraction † ( DLLME ) [ 17-19 ] . Beyond the trait of simpleness of operation and celerity, ingestion of microextraction dissolver at the micro-level volume and compatibility with analytical instruments are other profitable characteristics of DLLME as a sample pretreatment method [ 20-25 ] For extremely sensitive, accurate, rapid, and cheap measuring with ingestion of extraction dissolver at micro-level volume, we propose a simplification of the spectrophotometric MB method that can be utile for finding anionic wetting agents in aqueous samples. A consecutive DLLME in combination with fiber optic-linear array sensing spectrophotometry ( FO-LADS ) with charge-coupled device ( CCD ) sensor profiting from a micro-cell was used for this intent.2. Experimental2.1 Reagent and criterions The reagents used in the experiments were of analytical class: MB ( used as a cationic dye ) , sodium dodecyl sulphate ( SDS, employed as a representative anionic wetting agent ) , acetone as disperser dissolvers, trichloromethane as microextraction dissolver, NaOH, HNO3 ( 65 % ) , HCl ( 37 % ) , acetic acid, and Na ethanoate for doing buffer solution ) and obtained from Merck ( Darmstadt, Germany ) . Absolute ethyl alcohol ( & gt ; 99.6 % ) purchased from Bidestan company ( Qazvin, Iran ) . The needed measure of SDS was dissolved in pure H2O to do standard solution of 1000 mg L-1. The stock solutions of MB ( 3 A- 10-3 mol L-1 ) were prepared by fade outing appropriate sums in dual distilled H2O. All the plastic and glasswork were cleaned by soaking for 24 H in 10 % v/v HNO3. After cleansing, all containers were exhaustively rinsed three times with dual distilled H2O and twice with acetone prior to utilize. No any detergent was used to clean glasswork because it is hard to take from surfaces and causes high consequences. 2.2. Apparatus and Instrumentation apparatus The fiber optic-linear array sensing spectrophotometer was perched from Avantes ( Eerbeek, Netherlands ) . The light beam from the UV-Vis beginning ( Deuterium-Halogen ) was focused to the sample micro-cell ( Starna Scientific, Essex, England, Cat. NO. 16.40F-Q-10/Z15 ) . The spectrograph accepts the light beam transmitted through the optical fibre and disperses it via a fixed grate across the 2048 component CCD-linear array sensor. The instrumental parametric quantities are listed in Table 1. A Universal EBA 20 extractor equipped with an angle rotor ( Angle rotor for 8 A- 15 milliliter tubings, 6000 revolutions per minute, Cat. No. 2002 ) were obtained from Hettich ( Kirchlengern, Germany ) . An adjustable pipette ( 10-100 A µL ) was prepared from Brand ( Wertheim, Germany ) . All 0.1, 1.0 and 2.5 milliliter panpipes were prepared from Hamilton ( Reno, NV, USA ) . To clean out the micro-cell, avoid any memory consequence and better the repeatability of process, it was washed three times by about 2 milliliters of propanone between each analysis and dried with a watercourse of cold air by usage of a hair drier. 2.3. Mention process Hundred milliliter of sample was placed into a 250 milliliter dividing funnel and 10 milliliter of a 1 A- 10a?’3 mol L-1 MB solution and 15 milliliters trichloromethane were added. After agitating the mixture smartly for 1 min, the two stages were let to divide and chloroform bed taken for analysis. Each sample was extracted to boot two times utilizing 10 ml part of trichloromethane and optical density measurings were made at 650 nanometers in forepart of an external standardization prepared from SDS. Solutions in the scope between 0.1 and 0.5 milligrams La?’1 were extracted in the same manner than samples. 2.4 Recommended analytical process Into a series of screw cap glass trial tubing with conelike underside 5.0 milliliter of the standard SDS solutions at the concentration in the studied scope were pipetted out. Then 25 A µL of 3 A- 10-3 mol L-1 MB standard solution was added. Afterwards, 2.00 milliliter ethyl alcohol ( disperser dissolver ) incorporating 138 A µL trichloromethane ( microextraction dissolver ) was injected quickly into the sample solution utilizing a 2.50-mL syringe. This injection led to a cloudy solution, caused by the all right droplets of trichloromethane into the aqueous sample. The stage separation was accelerated by centrifugating at 5500 revolutions per minute for 3 min. After this measure the spread all right droplets of trichloromethane were settled at the underside of the aqueous solution in conelike trial tubing. Subsequent to this process, for evacuating the upper aqueous solution a long needle connected to 10-mL injection syringe was immersed down in to prove tubing and pulled the spe culator up till minute 200-300 A µL of aqueous stage remains at the top of organic bed. The volume of the settled organic stage was determined utilizing a 100-i? ­L microsyringe at 25  °C which was 65A ±2 A µL. Sixty micro-liter of this settled stage was removed by micropipette and introduced into micro-cell. The ordinary optical density of AS-MB ion-pair in trichloromethane was measured at the wavelength of 650.0 nanometers by agencies of FO-LADS.3. Result and treatmentIn order to obtain a high sensitiveness, the parametric quantities impacting the DLLME such as the type of the microextraction and the disperser dissolvers every bit good as their volume, concentration of MB, pH, and the microextraction clip were optimized. The enrichment factor ( EF ) was defined as the ratio of the analyte concentration in the settled stage to the initial analyte concentration in the aqueous sample. The analyte concentration in the settled stage was calculated from the standardization graph obtained by the conventional liquid-liquid extraction ( LLE ) /FO-LADS ( extraction conditions: 2.0 milliliters standard H2O sample in the concentration scope of 4.5 A- 10-4 – 1.5 A- 10-3 mol L-1 of MB and 1.5 – 5.0 mg L-1 SDS which extracted with 2.0 milliliters trichloromethane ) . 3.1. Chemical reaction of SDS and MB The equilibrium between SDS, MB and the distribution of SDS-MB ion-pair in H2O and trichloromethane has been qualitatively reported in the literature [ 14 ] . The AS dissolved in H2O are somewhat soluble in trichloromethane. On the other manus, MB dissolves good in both, trichloromethane and H2O, supplying a bluish colour solution in all the instances. When pure H2O is assorted with a chloroform solution of MB, the bluish colour is quickly transferred to the aqueous stage. 3.2. Consequence of ion-pair formation status parametric quantities The overall ion-pair formation status of SDS and MB is concentration of each, pH every bit good as clip needed. Our efforts were chiefly centered on optimising these parametric quantities under our microextraction conditions ( DLLME ) . In this survey the clip required for ion-pair formation were tested between 0 sec -10 min. The consequences, deducing from the ion-pair formation utilizing different reaction times, exhibited that the reaction clip has no any consequence on ion-pair formation efficiency and longer clip period did non better the reaction. In order to find the optimum pH for the ion-pair formation, several sample pH values were varied from 2.5 – 7.5 to prove the ion-pair formation of AS and MB in 5.0 mL H2O samples incorporating 0.04 mg L-1 SDS and extra sum of MB. The highest microextraction efficiency was achieved in the pH of studied scope and we found that in the alkalic solution MB it self would pull out into trichloromethane in absence of any MBAS. In optimisation processs no any buffer solution were used because after adding reagents the pH of solution become somewhat acidity in coveted scope. The influence of the MB concentration on the ion-pair formation/microextraction efficiency was performed in the scope of 0 – 2.1 A- 10-5 mol L-1 while the concentration of SDS was 0.04 mg L-1. During the fluctuation of this concentration the other experimental variables remained changeless. The consequences demonstrated that by increasing the MB concentration up to 1.5 A- 10-5 mol L-1 the microextraction efficiency increased and, so, no fluctuation were observed ( as depicted in Fig. 1 ) . Sing the fact that proposed method is additive up to 0.08 milligrams L-1, hence, the sum of 5 A- 10-5 mol L-1 MB was selected as consider adequate surplus sums. 3.3. Influence of the microextraction dissolver sort and volume The choices of an appropriate microextraction dissolver have a high importance function to acquire a high sensitiveness DLLME, so sort and volume of it were studied and optimized. Microextraction dissolver should hold particular features in DLLME ; it should hold really low solubility in H2O, extraction capableness of interested compounds, and much denseness than H2O. Chloroform and C tetrachloride are available as the most celebrated microextraction dissolvers in DLLME. During our primary surveies we found that C tetrachloride is non capable to pull out the ion-pair of SDS-MB at all. Furthermore, the recommended dissolver in the standard methods is trichloromethane ; hence, it was our extinguished pick. To look into the consequence of microextraction dissolver volume, experiments were performed by utilizing 2.00 mL ethyl alcohol incorporating different volumes of trichloromethane ( 138, 143, 148, 153, 158 and 163 i? ­L ) . By increasing the volume of trichloromethane from 138 to 163 A µL, the volume of the settled stage additions about from 65 to 90 A µL. Harmonizing to consequences ( Fig. 2 ) , optical density lessenings with increasing the volume of trichloromethane ; it is clear that by increasing the volume of trichloromethane the volume of the settled stage additions. Subsequently, at low volume of the microextraction dissolver high optical density or enrichment factor was obtained. 3.4. Influence of the disperser dissolver sort and volume In DLLME, choosing an appropriate disperser dissolver is of import, since disperser dissolver should be mixable with both microextraction dissolver and aqueous sample. For the interest of geting the most suited disperser dissolver, two sorts of instead safe disperser dissolvers: propanone and ethyl alcohol were studied. A series of sample solutions were studied by utilizing 2.00 milliliter of each disperser dissolver incorporating 138 A µL of trichloromethane and the enrichment factors were investigated. The consequences showed that ethyl alcohol showed much better efficiency than propanone ( enrichment factor of 75 and 17, severally ) . Less toxicity and the higher microextraction efficiency of ethyl alcohols make it a better pick. After taking ethanol as disperser dissolver, it is necessary to optimise the volume of it. The influence of the disperser dissolver ( ethanol ) volume on the microextraction efficiency was tested over the scope of 0.50 – 2.00 milliliter, but the fluctuation of the ethyl alcohol volume ( disperser dissolver ) caused alterations in the settled stage volume. Hence, it was impossible to see independently the influence of the ethyl alcohol volume on the microextraction efficiency in DLLME. To avoid this job and in order to achieve a changeless volume of the setteled stage, the ethyl alcohol and trichloromethane volumes were changed at the same time. The experimental conditions were fixed and included the usage of different ethanol volumes: 0.50, 1.00, 1.50, and 2.00 milliliter, incorporating 97, 102, 121, and 138 I?L of trichloromethane, severally. Under these conditions, the settled stage volume remained changeless ( 65 A ± 2 I?L ) . Fig. 3 shows the curves for optical density o f SDS-MB ion-pair versus the volume of ethyl alcohol. The optical density increased, when the ethanol volume increased from 0.50 to 2.00 milliliter of ethyl alcohol as disperser dissolver. Harmonizing to the consequences, a 2.00 milliliter ethyl alcohol was chosen as the optimal disperser dissolver volume. 3.5. Influence of the microextraction clip Microextraction clip ( interval clip between the injection of a mixture of disperser dissolver and microextraction dissolver, before get downing to centrifugate ) is of import factor that may be effects microextraction efficiency of analytes from aqueous stage to organic stage. The fluctuation for microextraction efficiency of SDS-MB as a map of microextraction clip was studied in the scope of 5 unsweet – 10 min. The ensuing informations, exposing that the microextraction clip has no important consequence on the microextraction efficiency for the mark compound. It was revealed that after the formation of the cloudy solution, the contact country between the microextraction dissolver and the aqueous stage was well big, defining why the extraction equilibrium could be established really fast. In this method the most time-consuming process was centrifugation of the sample solution in the microextraction process, which was about 3 min. Sing the fact this period of clip ( 3 min ) is for eight trial tubing ( microextraction vass ) , the clip required for managing one trial tubing is less than 25 seconds. 3.6. Analytic features of the method To measure the practical pertinence of the proposed DLLME/FO-LADS technique for finding of MBAS in H2O samples, several analytical public presentation features such as enrichment factor, one-dimensionality, bound of sensing ( LOD ) and repeatability were investigated under optimized conditions. The standardization curve was additive in the scope of 0.06 A- 10-1 – 0.8 A- 10-1 milligram La?’1 of SDS with a correlativity coefficient ( R ) of better than 0.99. The LOD, defined as CL =3 SB/m ( where CL, SB and m are the bound of sensing, standard divergence of the space and incline of the standardization graph, severally ) , was 0.02 A- 10-1 milligram La?’1. The repeatability of the proposed method expressed as comparative criterion divergences ( RSDs, n=7 ) were found to be 4.5 and 3.6 % for the concentration of 0.03 and 0.07 milligram La?’1, severally. The enrichment factor was found to be 75 for SDS. 3.7. Consequence of diverse ions and application to practical samples Any organic or inorganic compound that will organize a trichloromethane extractable ion-pair with MB will interfere by bring forthing high consequences. These positive intervention include organic sulfonates, carboxylates, phosphates, and phenols, every bit good as inorganic cyanates, chlorides, nitrates, and thiocyanates. On the other manus, any compound efficaciously viing with MB to organize an AS ion-pair will give negative consequences. These negative interventions cause by some aminoalkanes and have analytical significance in the instance of quaternate ammonium compounds. For pretreatment of MBAS in all Waterss and waste Waterss that contain meddlesome substances the undermentioned process is recommended by ASTM mention method. The selected sample is hydrolysed by boiling under partial reflux with hydrochloric acid. The residuary merchandises are neutralized to a controlled pH value, and reacted with 1-methylheptylamine. The resulting ion-pairs are extracted into a trichloromet hane stage and evaporated to dryness on a steam bath. The amine constituent of the ion-pair is removed by boiling in an aqueous alkaline media and the stray MBAS are so determined under the described mention process. Besides other research workers examined the consequence of assorted diverse ions on the finding of AS by similar method [ 14, 6 ] . In order to set up the cogency and pertinence of proposed method, it was applied to the finding of AS in several existent H2O samples ( mineral, pat, and good H2O samples ) by proposed method. For this intent, 5.0 milliliter of each sample was preconcentrated utilizing DLLME technique as described before ( pH was adjusted with acetic acid/sodium ethanoate buffer if necessary ) . In order to measure matrix consequence, the standard add-on method was applied for the finding of AS ( at spiking degrees of 0.02 and 0.05 mg L-1 ) in spiked existent samples which the comparative recoveries of analytes are mentioned in Table 2. The obtained consequences were compared with those obtained from spiked distilled H2O. In all instances, the spike recoveries confirm the dependability of the proposed method. The obtained comparative recoveries indicates that matrix does non act upon the microextraction efficiency in the mentioned samples ( no serious interventions ) , hence, there was non any duty t o take interventions. As it can be seen in table 3, the public presentation of proposed method shows distinguishable advantages over other methods with mention to try volume, extraction dissolver volume, RSDs, LODs and additive dynamic scopeDecisionsThis survey demonstrated that DLLME process with really pleasant and robust features for check of AS seems to offer possible campaigners for mention method, which utilizes really little sum of microextraction dissolver every bit good as its low cost. Furthermore, freshly DLLME process in combination with FO-LADS equipped with charge-coupled device ( CCD ) sensor profiting from a micro-cell demonstrated that LPME ( DLLME ) could be combine with spectrophotometer system despite of micro-level sample volume without any dilution and diminishing the sensitiveness. Analysis of several existent samples for AS content illustrated the truth, dependability, simpleness, dependability and bargain rate of method. It appears to be a time-saving techni que, chiefly for research labs executing analysis of a big figure of samples with a rapid coverage clip. Besides we suggest the pertinence of this method for supervising the biodegradation of AS.