
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Creatine and its Dangers Essay -- Athletics Health Essays

creatin and its DangersCreatine is a very controversial supplement on the market today. many another(prenominal) endorse the uses of creatin, unless others are wondering(a) about the advantage a person receives from taking it and the dangers one inherits as a result of creatin consumption. The debate remains due to the short amount of time that creatine has been getable. People base their opinions on preliminary studies that have been done but no one knows the long-term effects of creatine on the body. umteen take the risk without vast knowledge, but others still remain skeptical based on preliminary evidence that discourages the intake of creatine.How Creatine plantCreatine is naturally produced in the body in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. It can excessively be provided to the body through the consumption of fish and meat. (http//www.mothernature.com/ency/supp/creatine_monohydrate.asp) Creatine support in the process of adenosine triphosphate which is energy used for quick, explosive activities much(prenominal) as the sports listed above. When adenosine triphosphate levels drop, muscles become dond. Regeneration of ATP is essential if fatigue is to be delayed, according to Charles P. Bolotte, MD. (http//www.lsms.org/journal/98creat.html) In theory, taking more creatine supplements allows for more creatine to be available to synthesize more ATP and therefore causes less fatigue in muscles. ATP is readily available energy for the body that is used in everyday activity. The synthesis of ATP is needed for all activities in the daily lives of people. It is used in the transmitting of nerve signals, the movement of muscles, the synthesis of proteins, and cell division. Energy is released when one of the bonds in the midst of the end phosphate group is broken and the molecule becomes... ... only turn out method for increasing physical shape and muscle mass is lowering athletic training.BibliographyEkblom, B. (1996). Effects of creati ne supplement on performance. American diary of Sports Medicine, 24, 38-39. Juhn, M.S. & Tarnopolsky M. (1998). Potential side effects of oral creatine supplementation a critical review. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 8, 298-304. Stone, M.H. et al. (1999). Effects of in-season (5 weeks) creatine and pyruvate supplementation on anaerobic performance body composition in American football players. International Journal of Sport Nutrition, 9, 146-165. Vahedi, K. & Domigo, V. & Amarenco, P. & Bousser M.G. (2000). Ischaemic stroke in a sportsman who consumedMahuang extract and creatine monohydrate for body-building. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 68, 112-113.

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