Outline- Modern Day Slavery Introduction- -What is modern day slaveholding? Forcing some other person to do work against their leave behind is also cognise as thraldom. -Why does it exist? People employment slaves to save property on the cost of labor. -Where can we follow the most parking atomic number 18a places slavery is found? Africa, India, Brazil, and sluice United States slavery is up to now common withal though it is illegal. -How does a person pay back a slave? People ar made slaves by all being born into slavery or by person kidnapping them and forcing them into slavery. -What are some things slaves are forces to do? Slaves in polar regions commonly are forced to do different things. Slaves in Africa are usually forced to do housekeeper jobs, India, slaves are usually use to make carpets, Brazil usually women are forced into prostitution by their owners, in the States slaves are usually found on large farms working for the farmers harvesting t heir crops. -What do we do to help these people? governing officials have other(prenominal) over 150 statutes on anti-trafficking and used 528 million dollars to shop international anti-trafficking programs to combat slavery sensation 2001. African slaves- -Even though it has been illegal in Africa, Mauritania and Sudan are 2 places that slaves are common.

-These slaves are kept for common house cor move chores such as fetching water, tending animals, cooking and cleaning. -Most of these slaves are born into slavery and have accepted it because they don’t know some(prenominal) better. -They are t reated badly, beaten, starved, and even dis! honour by their owners. -Even though slaves are common the government denies the population of slavery and fails to respond to cases brought to its attention, and even hampers the activities on working on the issue by not granting organizations official recognition. -There hasn’t been any research of how many an(prenominal) slaves there are because organizations are prevented from enter the country to digest its research. Indian Slaves – -In...If you want to get a full essay, indian lodge it on our website:
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